From A to ...

Situated in Cardiff’s bustling and vibrant city centre, Brunel House lies within easy reach of the city’s top amenities and transport links.

Stats on the City

A City for Learning

3 Universities

Cardiff University, University of South Wales and Cardiff Metropolitan University

45 MIN

1.6M people within a 45 minute commute of Cardiff


UK core city as an office location

Source: Property Week Hot 100 UK Office 2018

Get Connected

Cardiff is one of the most connected UK cities

98.43% of homes and businesses have access to super-fast broadband

Closest Capital City

to London

105 Min

Cardiff to London in 105 minutes post electrification

Source: GWR


of Graduates are still in Wales 10 years after graduation

Source: Cardiff University

20+ Million

visitors annually to Cardiff spending £1 Billion

Source: Deloitte 2017

1.5+ Million

Cardiff capital region population

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